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Essential Equity Project: Yakima Community Foundation With Dr. Bob Crittenden

Undocumented immigrant workers who did not isolate or quarantine when either infected with Covid-19 or having direct contact with someone who had tested positive for Covid-19, reported that they could not quarantine due to their financial need to continue working. 

To address their needs and improve quarantine and isolation rates in this community, LatinX offered wage replacement in the form of cash assistance cards, food cards, and fuel cards if they agree to isolate after Covid-19 exposure.

Covid 19 Es Real Valle De Yakima: Yakima Health District & Department of Health

Alongside the Yakima Health District and with funding and support from the Washington State Department of Health, LatinX led the COVID 19 Es Real Valle de Yakima campaign to provide the Hispanic community with accurate information on the Covid 19 pandemic. The campaign was designed 100% in Spanish to ensure that the Latino community receives accurate and timely information in an evidence-based, culturally-responsive way. 

LatinX engaged 40 Promotoras in a widespread marketing and outreach campaign to raise awareness throughout the county and directly serve over 2,000 families and 60,000 community members.

Vaccine Campaign with Promotoras on Site: Yakima Health District & Department of Health

Promotoras were situated in Vaccination Booths to ensure that the Hispanic community received accurate information regarding COVID-19 vaccination.  New sites for vaccination spots were also mapped and presented by the Promotoras, as well as getting the necessary permits for the mobile clinics and establishing a connection between Latino businesses and vaccination clinics.

Care Connect Washington: Department of Health

Under the Care Connect Washington Project we also delivered Care Kits, Emergency Food Boxes and Food Orders During the Holiday Season in Yakima & Benton Counties. During the project we served over 2,000 families and thousands of community members.